Children & Families

Kelly’s approach involves working with the child-parent relationship to improve attachment and allow children to feel safe, seen and soothed. Kelly has experience working with a variety of issues affecting children, parents and families. Some of these include traumatic experiences, oppositional behaviour, aggression, separation anxiety, social skills development and interaction, as well as academic difficulties and learning disorders. Sessions may involve time with the parent and child together, then time with the child and parent separately.


For any enquiries please email

BA (Psych) Hons, MPsych (Clinical),

EMDRAA Accredited Practitioner


Level 1 Suite 9A, 19 Napoleon Promenade,


(Rear car park access)

ABN: 75 090 115 248

Medicare Provider No: 4373003T

level 1 suite 9a/19 Napoleon Promenade, Vasse WA 6280, Australia

PLEASE NOTE: Kelly Gibson Clinical Psychology is not an emergency or crisis support service.
For emergency assistance DIAL 000 or report to the emergency department of your closest hospital.

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