
The transition to adolescence presents developmental challenges in physical, social, intellectual and psychological areas. Adolescents typically experience more intense emotions than previously experienced as younger children. This is also a time of life when the pull to be autonomous from parents and other adults begins to strengthen, and the need to be a part of a social group increases. As life becomes more complex, more mature coping skills are required to navigate this terrain effectively. Many major mental illnesses have their onset in adolescence and promoting resilience in the area of emotion regulation, distress tolerance and maintaining healthy relationships at this life stage may reduce the risk of problematic outcomes for vulnerable individuals and strengthen the factors that promote mental health in general. Kelly’s approach in working with adolescents is authentic and warm, with a strong focus on building trust, safety and alliance to work through issues and difficulties together. Kelly has previously worked in secondary school environments providing psychological services to students.


For any enquiries please email

BA (Psych) Hons, MPsych (Clinical),

EMDRAA Accredited Practitioner


Level 1 Suite 9A, 19 Napoleon Promenade,


(Rear car park access)

ABN: 75 090 115 248

Medicare Provider No: 4373003T

level 1 suite 9a/19 Napoleon Promenade, Vasse WA 6280, Australia

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